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Manchester Digital is at the heart of an industry renowned for its technological prowess, where bold ideas transform into groundbreaking solutions, fuelled by a diverse and innovative ecosystem.

Whether you're a startup, scaling up, or an established corporate, Manchester Digital is the place for tech businesses to connect, grow and innovate.

Level 4 DigitalApprenticeships

Manchester Digital have developed a suite of groundbreaking Level 4 Digital Apprenticeship programmes for software developers.

Hire an apprentice Become an apprentice

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What our members say about us...

Manchester Digital has a great syllabus of events which we thoroughly enjoy attending. We are supporters of many of the campaigns being run throughout our community but particularly DigitalHer which aligns so closely with our RobiquiShe network supporting women in tech as well as a wider DEI agenda.

Elaine Higgins - Chief People Officer

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